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Fresh Compost

What goes down the drain in our cities and towns ends up in Lake Winnipeg

  • ​Bring chemicals to a hazardous waste management depot.



  • Avoid using your garburator. It adds nutrients to sewage treatment facilities.


  • Compost vegetable waste instead of sending it to a landfill. ​​

Metal Watering Can

In Your Yard

  • Make sure only rain and snow melt go down street drains and/or into catchment areas.


  • Recycle used oil and antifreeze by taking them to service stations and bring other chemicals to a hazardous waste management depot.


  • Compost yard waste and leave grass clippings on the lawn.


  • Clean gutters and street drains to prevent leaves and other debris from entering the drain. Compost these materials. 


  • Minimize rainwater runoff from your yard. Collect it in rain barrels and use it to water your garden. Do not overwater your lawn and garden. 


  • Use permeable materials such as wood decking, bricks, interlocking stones and gravel for parking pads and sidewalks to allow water to percolate into the ground and not run off to stormwater catchment areas.


  • Select plants that have low requirements for water, nutrients and are pest resistant, include native species. â€‹â€‹

Hands in the Soil

If you use fertilizer

Use the Right Source of fertilizer at the Right Rate, the Right Time and the Right Place:


  • Right Source: Buy a fertilizer recommended for your lawn or garden.


  • Right Rate: Know the size of your lawn and only buy what you need. Apply at the application rate as recommended on the label. Use a good quality fertilizer spreader.


  • Right Time: Apply in the correct season. Spring and Fall are the best times to fertilize. Don’t apply if heavy rain is expected. Don’t apply on frozen ground.


  • Right Place: Sweep on to the lawn any fertilizer that might land on hard surfaces such as sidewalks and driveways. Never apply fertilizer near ponds, streams, rivers or lakes.


Do not dispose of leftover fertilizer. If you are left with extra fertilizer at the end of the season you can store it, use it, or share it.


Learn more at

Wooded Backyard Featuring Wooden Chairs and Table


  • Create buffer strips and preserve existing trees, plants and shrubs around all waterways (creeks, ponds, rivers, streams and retention ponds).


  • Wash your car at a car wash that recycles water and uses nutrient-free washing products.


  • Clean up after your pets. 

Person Holding Pipe Above Dirt and Water

Rural Homes

  • Maintain your wastewater management system. If you have a septic system, ensure it is functioning properly at all times. 

    • Inspect and have the tank pumped out regularly. 

    • Keep records of pumping and maintenance. 

    • Use caution in disposing materials down the drain. 

    • Keep heavy equipment and vehicles off your system and drain field. 


  • Don’t cover your drain field with impermeable surfaces. Prevent holding tank overflow by understanding your storage capacity and usage.


  • Never pump holding tanks or any wastewater including greywater into drains or ditches. This can make it’s way to our lakes, rivers and streams. 

In Your Yard
Using Fertilizer
Rural Homes
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