Actions for Municipalities

In Your Municipal Facilities
Buy environmentally friendly cleaning products.
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Don't pour chemicals down the drain.
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Avoid using the garburators in the cafeterias and lunchrooms. ​
Consider getting green building certifications for all municipal facilities, such as BOMA Best, Green Globes or LEED certification.
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On your grounds, decrease nutrients and other harmful substances from entering the street or storm drain.

In Your Public Works
Incorporate stormwater and wastewater management practices that reduce nutrient loads to waterways. ​​
Wastewater Treatment Facility
Develop and/or ensure the existing wastewater sampling program provides ample information to operating staff on the condition and performance of the system and allows for early warning of possible upsets or operational problems:
Test effluent discharged to the waterway.
Ensure compliance with Provincial Water Quality Standards, Objectives and Guidelines and Environmental Act Licence requirements.
A 1 mg/L phosphorus limit applies for all new, expanding or modified wastewater treatment facilities.
Small wastewater treatment facilities (serving less than 2,000 people or equivalent) have the option of implementing a demonstrated nutrient reduction strategy instead of the 1 mg/L phosphorus limit.
Existing wastewater treatment facilities serving more than 2,000 people or equivalent due to industrial contributions will be required to meet a 1 mg/L phosphorus limit by January 1, 2016.
Nitrogen removal to 15 mg/L is also required on a site-specific basis for new and expanding wastewater treatment facilities serving more than 10,000 people or the equivalent load.
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Conduct nutrient recycling or recovery from treatment facilities.
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Create a road maintenance plan for the municipality that reduces the impacts on all waterways.

Dust Control
Review the chemical formulations for the various dust control products and select those which meet both the municipality’s needs and cause the least impacts when applied near ditches and bodies of water.
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Eliminate applying dust control products during rain.
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Use water (whenever feasible) as a dust control product.
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Apply materials in a matter that is not detrimental to either water or vegetation and in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations.
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Provide adequate spill containment materials on site when dust control is applied.
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Dispose of excess materials per manufacturers’ recommendations.

De-icer Use
Develop a snow and ice control policy/procedure, and a salt management plan, to comply with provincial and federal requirements.
Review the chemical formulations for the various de-icer(s) and other chemical additives needed and select those which meet both the municipality’s needs and cause the least impacts.

Ditch Maintenance
Create a plan to enhance water retention and reduce nutrient loads to the receiving waterbody.
Inspect roadside ditches regularly to identify sediment accumulations and localized erosion.
Remove vegetation only when the flow is blocked or excess sediments have accumulated.
Schedule regular ditch maintenance in early Fall, where possible. This allows vegetative cover to be reestablished by the next wet season, minimizing erosion of the ditch as well as making the ditch effective as a biofilter.
Stabilize ditches with plant cover to reduce the need to re-trench to remove silt build-up. Consider the conversion of ditches to native grasses or grass swales to promote the conveyance of stormwater at a slower, controlled rate and act as a filter medium removing pollutants and allowing stormwater infiltration, when feasible.
Do not leave ditch cleanings on the roadway surfaces. Sweep, collect, and dispose of dirt and debris remaining on the pavement after ditch cleaning operations.
Maintain municipal parks, open spaces, golf courses etc., in a sustainable manner.
Use native grasses and plants requiring low nutrient and water inputs to landscape and maintain open spaces, parks and golf courses.

Landscape Maintenance
Employ landscape maintenance services that
minimize impacts to waterways
Reduce the need for chemical weed control through proper plant and material selection, appropriate site preparation and careful maintenance. Weed control should be accomplished by the use of organic mulches, manual labour, and herbicide controls, in that order.
Perform a soil fertility test before fertilization. Fertilizer should only be applied if the soil is without adequate nutrients for plant vigour. The intent is to reduce the potential to carry nutrient-laden runoff into drains and catchment areas.

Using Fertilizer
Use the Right Source of fertilizer at the Right Rate, the Right Time and the Right Place
Right Source: Buy a fertilizer recommended for your lawn or garden.
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Right Rate: Know the size of your lawn and only buy what you need. Apply at the application rate as recommended on the label. Use a good-quality fertilizer spreader.
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Right Time: Apply in the correct season. Spring and Fall are the best times to fertilize. Don’t apply if heavy rain is expected. Don’t apply on frozen ground.
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Right Place: Sweep onto the lawn any fertilizer that might land on hard surfaces such as sidewalks and driveways. Never apply fertilizer near ponds, streams, rivers or lakes.

In Your Governance
Development and Secondary Plans
When detailed reviews are scheduled, amend the Development Plan and Secondary Plan (if applicable) for the planning district/municipality to draw attention to landscape features and management practices that are key to improving wastewater and stormwater run-off management.
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Follow the water protection policies contained within the planning regulations associated with the Provincial Planning Act to strengthen your Development Plans, i.e.:
Identify sensitive landscapes, drainage facilities and vulnerable water bodies.
Develop shoreline and riparian area management plans to protect water quality.
Prepare an Integrated Watershed Management Plan and Wastewater Management Plan.
Prepare to guide flood management, the quality of water discharge, water conservation and habitat management.
Coordinate watershed and local wastewater management plans with local municipalities and planning districts.

Natural Wetlands and Shorelines
Ensure developments within these areas comply with existing provincial and federal legislation.
Require the employment of constructed wetlands, native plantings, bioswales, buffer strips and other bioengineered systems for stormwater and wastewater management.
Promote the use of building and landscape technology that recycles grey water, rainwater and snowmelt.
Promote development that minimizes the need for stormwater management, i.e.: the use of water conservation, permeable surfaces and vegetation which supports stormwater percolation back to the aquifer.
Promote the use of native plants and ground covers.

Bylaws and Development Agreements
Ensure Zoning Bylaws and Development Agreements are consistent with the Lake Friendly requirements set out in the Development Plan and any Secondary Plan Bylaws.
Approve rezoning and subdivision requests which adhere to the Development Plan and Secondary Plan conditions.
Support Lake Friendly developments in the municipality.

Consulting and Constructions Contracts
Require contractors to propose a Lake Friendly design and construction strategy that is specific to the project for municipal approval as part of the selection process and to be included in the procurement contract documents.
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Require Lake Friendly construction performance specifications for all construction projects.
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Require the use of professionals within the construction contracting and consulting contracting industries that have advanced their capabilities and can produce wetlands, native plantings and or drainage systems that perform to the design concept expectations.
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Develop performance incentives as enforcement tools to ensure the Lake Friendly results are achieved.

Project Management
Develop tools to ensure the implemented projects will continue, over time, to perform to the intended plans and are achieving the municipalities Lake Friendly goals.
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Develop a cooperative arrangement with provincial and federal regulatory officials to support environmental activities.

Systems Maintenance
Ensure municipal staff can support the maintenance of the systems installed to manage wastewater and stormwater runoff within the municipality.
Retain advocate consultants where necessary to measure performance and results.

Public Education
Engage the entire municipality in Lake Friendly living.
Share Lake Friendly information to the public, including local seminars, website and print pieces. Share your success stories and results.
Attend workshops for local governments showcasing your governance model and activities to encourage Lake Friendly Practices in other municipalities.

Buy products made by companies that take steps to reduce their impacts on the environment and minimize pollution to our lakes, rivers, and streams.
Follow the advice from Manitoba Sustainable Procurement to learn how to buy goods responsibly.
Look for:
Paper and wood products from forests that care about the environment. Look for Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) certified products.
Certified electronics. ​​EPEAT approved computers are made using less hazardous materials like lead and mercury​
Also, make sure all contracted workers are aware of and follow your policies when buying goods they require to complete service contracts.